Thursday, January 8, 2009

Restaurants are getting hammered too

What's interesting to me is that contraction started over a year ago. I've noticed a dramatic drop-off in restaurant activity during lunchtime in my city just over the past 3 or 4 months. Restaurants that six months ago would have waiting lines by 11:30 am now never fill up during lunch rush. There is contraction going on everywhere. When will we hear pleas for bailouts for restaurants too?


  1. Here is what’s came to my mind: if there were a soup-line out there today, the possibility of holding something solidly built is so slim…The falling could hit much harder than any in history because what we have right now were not built to last, the trick of using cosmetic makeup is being applying EVERYWHERE in life. Think about the post industrial revolution had left the British Empire pile of good crafts and a society of good craftsman that can't be duplicated now, here. Can society survive by having a generation or two of makeup artist?

  2. Thanks Kel. You are right, we are a throw-away society. Things are made cheaply and aren't expected to last long, and then we go buy another one. And, as you point out, there aren't many craftwmen around anymore. When a piece of clothing is torn people throw it away and buy a new one. They don't get it mended somewhere, even if it costs half the price of a new one. Also, most people don't have the skills to mend it themselves. Too busy watching TV or playing video games. Maybe there will be a move back to high quality, long-lasting products and a resurgence of craftsmen and home repair in the future. I hope so.
