Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Iceland's government collapsing

Iceland's government having early elections.

The financial meltdown appeared near to claiming Iceland's government, as the ruling Independence Party called Friday for elections in May -- two years early -- amid increasingly violent protests and the fracturing of its coalition.

I claim that the US stimulus plan, TARP, and other bailouts are not being done primarily to improve the economy or even help the country short-term or long-term. It is specifically being done to prevent revolution (as what was happening in Iceland), keeping people placated, and consolidating and preserving power of those in power now in Washington DC.

Remember that Paulson warned that the US would enter martial law if the original TARP was not passed. The power brokers in DC are running scared and are going to go to any length they feel necessary to stay in power. If they have to print money until there aren't any trees left then that's what they will do.

It also appears that the Dems in Congress are taking every opportunity to put in their pet programs that they've wanted to do for 15 years into the stimulus bills. Again - it has nothing to do with helping the economy - it is consolidation of power and pushing their own agenda.

It will be a very rough ride for the foreseeable future.

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