Sunday, January 18, 2009

It doesn't matter?

Maryland State Senator: It doesn’t matter if Maryland’s broke as long as Obama’s president

Truly amazing. Obama is being set up for failure by all these worshipers - he single-handedly cannot fix everything, can he? Or maybe it doesn't matter to these people as the irrationality of their logic causes them to become more and more deluded as to who Obama really is. Apparently he can do no wrong.

Here is an interesting comment from a conservative at the above link:

So…as of Tuesday, noon, we will witness a new Juneteenth as the Messiah is sworn in to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic…and the throngs will fully expect to see and receive a lot more than 40 acres and a mule.

This worship of the incoming President is appalling. It is mockery of our history and traditions, and the serious business of governance, in its worst form. Tuesday seems more like a coronation than a Constitutionally required inauguration.

The American Idol Presidency coupled with what seems like an inordinately high expectation of the world suddenly changing to a global community of instant peace, lions laying down with lambs, and every ill being cured certainly isn’t going to enhance our “gravitas” in front of our enemies…and there are a lot of them, in the wings waiting, or confronting us presently.
So, after noon on Tuesday, then what?

Was at a military collectors show this morning, and an acquaintance of over a decade was just oozing about Obama and how everything bad was going to be set right again once that evil Bush and Cheney were out of power. He just couldn’t say enough about how wonderful Obama was. One older veteran, also a friend, asked him simply, name one thing, just one thing, that Obama has accomplished on his own in his entire life…and there was no answer, save for the perfunctory “that’s racist!” from the gentleman in question. A white liberal, totally a party-line Democrat, out here in Ohio actually believes, honestly believes, that the bank failures, the mortgage crisis, the oil crisis, and all the rest, were all staged by Bush so Bush and Cheney could make millions for themselves on the backs of the rest of the country.

Folks, 2010 is not that far away…at what point are Conservatives in this country going to get underway and get this country back on an even keel again? Elected officials such as Lisa Gladden are not the exception…they are the norm these days. Heaven help us all.


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