Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Potential problem with GLD ETF

I have a gut feel that there is something wrong with the GLD ETF. I stumbled upon the following article that makes me think my gut feel was correct.

GLD ETF Trust supposedly holds more than 1,000 tons of gold. That amount is surpassed only by the United States, Germany, IMF, France, Italy and Switzerland; assuming they have the gold they claim. Under the GLD prospectus and latest 10-K it appears that the Trust neither needs to own actual physical gold that constitutes atomic number 79 nor allow their auditors to see and touch the undefined ‘investment in gold’. I agree with the reader who asserted that ‘it’s hard to imagine they [auditors] didn’t at least send someone to the premises of the Custodian to have a quick peep’. In other words, ‘Just trust us, the gold is there.’ But why believe them?

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